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Text File  |  1996-11-16  |  1KB  |  20 lines

  1. /pub/Linux/apps/tex (INDEX)
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. TeXshell.2.85.tar.gz     TeXshell: X-Window Shell for TeX (OL or Xaw)
  4. bibview                  editor for bibtex bibliography entries
  5. bibview-1.5.tar.gz       editor for bibtex bilbiography entries
  6. dvi/                     various dvi convertors and previewers
  7. lametex.tar.z            LaTeX --> ASCII formatter
  8. ntex/                    slackware compatible tex disk series
  9. psboxall.tex.z           helps embed postscript in TeX docs
  10. teTeX/                   full teX distribution
  11. tex.bin.ELF.tar.gz       tex -- just binaries [elf]
  12. texMANI.gz               MANIFEST of this distribution.
  13. texjed-1.0.tgz           patches to get color highliting for LaTeX under jed
  14. texmgr.tar.gz            frontend script to TeX, LaTex dvips packages
  15. texmin/                  a minimal X distribution to allow .tex printing
  16. ts-9606.tgz              X based TeX shell (like dos texshell)
  17. ttex.tgz                 tiny TeX (full TeX on one floppy)
  18. xtex.tgz                 binaries, and miscellaneous programs for dvi previewing
  19. xtexcad-2.1.tar.z        X program to draw LaTeX picture environments